Research and Analysis

We deliver in-depth market insight to help you understand your targeted customers from a local perspective. We provide you with in-depth market insight across all categories and markets coupled with unrivaled local knowledge. In addition, we consistently bring you closer to your markets by conducting systematic market research and analysis including surveys, feasibility studies, and much more. We firmly believe that running a successful and sustainable business is about understanding the markets and recognizing your customers’ needs and desires.

Distribution and Logistics

We increase brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand value in the local market. We offer you one of the most comprehensive marketing and sales coverage of consumer products outlets in the country, serving all relevant outlets from the largest international hypermarkets to the smallest mom-and-pop shops to bring your products to the appropriate point of purchase (POP).

Distribution and Logistics

We take care of your entire supply chain. With our state-of-the-art infrastructure, we have the capacity and expertise to transport, store, and distribute your products efficiently and professionally, helping you reach urban and rural territories throughout Myanmar.

After-Sales Services

We are at your service throughout the lifespan of your products. Our trained and seasoned sales force allows you to focus on your core business and provides reliable services to clients and customers after the sale.